怎样来确定周转箱使用数量和区分种类? |
添加时间:2017/6/3 21:03:02 浏览次数: |
1.周转箱,其一般的,可以分成哪几大类?其在用途上,是否单一? The turnover box, its general, can be divided into which big group? Is it a single purpose? 周转箱,其一般的,是可以分为塑料周转箱和镀锌周转箱等这些。其在具体用途上,不是单一的。因为,其除了可以用来周转外,还可以进行一些储存和运输工作,以及出货包装等。所以,后一个问题,其答案是否定的。 The turnover box, its general, can be divided into the plastic circulation box and the galvanizing cycle box and so on. It is not singular in its specific use. Because it can be used for the circulation, it can also carry on some storage and transportation, and shipping packaging and so on. So, the latter question, the answer is no. 2.怎样来确定周转箱的使用数量,在实际工作中? How to determine the number of turnover cases and in practice? 这个的话,想要来具体确定,其实也不困难。首先,是要知道周转箱的规格尺寸,以及要盛放什么物品,以便来确定它的承重等方面。然后,则是根据物品体积,来对照周转箱体积进行计算,并且要注意的是,应留有一定的空隙,其空隙率一般是为3%—10%。这样一来,可以进行粗略估算了,并得到结果。 It is not difficult to be specific. First, you need to know the size of the turnaround box and what items you want to put in order to determine its weight. Then, it is according to the article volume, to control the turnover box volume calculation, and note that should have a certain gap, the gap rate is generally 3% - 3%. That way, you can make a rough estimate and get the results. |
上一页 周转箱选购时如何与产品“箱当户对“ |
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