如何确定需求的金属周转箱尺寸? |
添加时间:2017/5/27 17:44:34 浏览次数: |
金属周转箱尺寸标准化。国内汽车主机厂有各自的包装规范或是金属周转箱设计要求。主机厂或汽车零部件的设计人员须参考这些资料里面的规定尺寸,尽量做到尺寸标准化。这样做,相同尺寸的金属周转箱可以堆垛,从而节省库存面积,减少场地浪费。实质是就是节约成本!另外,尺寸标准化后,外来人员参观车间时,就不会感觉到乱七八糟的感觉,方便目视化管理。 The size of the metal box is standardized. The domestic auto main engine factory has its own packaging specification or the design requirement of the metal box. The design personnel of the main engine or auto parts should refer to the specified dimensions in these materials and try to standardize the dimensions. In this way, the same size of the metal box can be stacked up to save the inventory area and reduce waste. The essence is to save the cost! In addition, when the dimensions are standardized, the outside personnel will not feel a disorganized feeling when visiting the workshop, and can be easily visualized and managed. 运输装载率和空金属周转箱返回率。结合公司运输车辆的内空尺寸,确定金属周转箱尺寸已达到运输车辆的最大装载率;空金属周转箱回收时,可考虑设计折叠金属周转箱,折叠处的尺寸也需要考虑。 Transport loading rate and empty metal revolving box return rate. The maximum loading rate of the transport vehicle is determined by the size of the inner space of the vehicle. When the empty metal box is recycled, the design of the folding metal box can be considered, and the size of the folding can also be considered. 产品自身特性和装载数量。产品的长、宽、高和装载数量是设计的基础。比方说一个零件自身长2m, 那么主机厂规定1.8m的标准金属周转箱尺寸显然是不合理的。产品的装载数量设定可参考供货量和配送频次,同时还得考虑自行设定的装载数量后的金属周转箱尺寸是否在主机厂规定的尺寸范围内(涉及到工位站布场地置和库房存放) The product's own characteristics and load quantity. The long, wide, high and loaded quantity of the product is the foundation of the design. For example, if a part itself is 2m, the size of the 1.8m standard metal circulating box is obviously not reasonable. Products to set the number of load distribution and distribution for reference frequency, but also have to consider their own set of loading quantity after metal turnover box size is in the same size range (involving station station cloth venues and warehouse storage) |
上一页 怎样来确定周转箱使用数量和区分种类? |
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