通风管道消声器 |
添加时间:2022/6/6 15:49:59 浏览次数: |
通风管道消声器 Ventilation duct silencer 是对中、高频宽带特性有较好效果的阻性吸音降噪原理,对低、中频和脉动特性时有良好效果的抗性消声降音原理以及微穿孔消声器和阻抗复合式消声器。消声器是利用声的吸收、反射、干涉等原理,降低通风与空调系统中气流噪声的蠕动泵 保定网站建设 保定网站制作 保定网络公司 保定办公家具 保定轻钢别墅 装置。根据消声原理的不同可以分为阻性、抗性、共振型和复合型等。 It is a resistive sound absorption and noise reduction principle with good effect on medium and high frequency broadband characteristics, a resistant noise reduction principle with good effect on low, medium frequency and pulsation characteristics, and a micro perforated muffler and an impedance composite muffler. Muffler is a device that uses the principles of sound absorption, reflection and interference to reduce the air flow noise in ventilation and air conditioning systems. According to different silencing principles, it can be divided into resistance, resistance, resonance and compound types |
上一页 通风管道及部件的安装方法及要求 |
下一页 工程量计算规则 |
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