折叠型式样,底托和箱壁箱连 |
添加时间:2019/6/4 15:34:56 浏览次数: |
塑胶卡板箱又称塑料托盘箱、塑料卡板箱,是以底部托盘加上部箱体而成。 塑胶卡板箱按结构分类为: Plastic cardboard boxes, also known as plastic pallet boxes and plastic cardboard boxes, are made of bottom pallets plus a box body. Plastic cardboard boxes are classified by structure as follows: 1,一体式样(就是卡板与箱体为连接为一体)。 1. Integral style (that is, the card and the box are connected as a whole). 2,组合式样(底部为卡板,上部为可拆卸的箱壁)。 2. Combination pattern (bottom of the board, top of the removable wall). 3,折叠型式样,底托和箱壁箱连,空箱时可向内折叠,大大减少了空箱时的仓储体积。 3. Folding style, bottom bracket and box wall are connected, empty box can be folded inward, which greatly reduces the storage volume of empty box. |
上一页 在塑料托盘的基础上制作成的大型装载周转箱 |
下一页 可折叠周转箱零件周转便捷 |
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