鉴别周转箱好坏最简单的办法 |
添加时间:2019/1/2 15:27:31 浏览次数: |
市场上的周转箱种类很多,我们如何从中挑选质量好的,就成为了关键问题。 There are many kinds of turnover boxes in the market, so how to select good quality from them has become a key issue. 选择周转箱最重要的一点就是箱子的材质与结构,就如同盖楼房,地基打的不好,用的都是烂材料,楼房如何住人。周转箱也是一样,只有材质好,结构优才能用的长久用的放心。从色泽上来看,发暗的不如发亮的,有杂质的不如无杂质的,加强筋多的肯定比没有加强筋的要好,自重大的比自重小的一定结实。 The most important point of choosing swing box is the material and structure of the box, just like building, the foundation is not good, using rotten materials, how to live in the building. Turnover box is the same, only good material, excellent structure can be used for long-term rest assured. From the color point of view, darker than shiny, impurities are not as good as no impurities, more reinforcement is better than no reinforcement, self-weight ratio of small must be strong. |
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