





Calculation rules for quantities of ventilation ducts
1, 薄钢板风管
1. Sheet steel air duct
(1) The air duct shall be calculated based on the developed area according to different specifications, and the area of inspection hole, measuring hole, air supply outlet, air suction outlet, etc. on the duct shall not be deducted.
(2) When calculating the length of the air duct, the length of the center line in the drawing shall prevail, including the length of pipe fittings such as elbows, tees, reducer pipes and round places, but not including the length of the location of ventilation components (such as air valves, air vents, etc.). The diameter and perimeter of the air duct shall be expanded according to the dimensions in the drawing. However, the joint and flanging amount of the undercut air duct shall not be calculated within the developed area.
(3)风管导流叶保定网站建设  保定荆塘铺 伺服液位仪  防撞墙模具 唐山护栏  钢纤维 天津除甲醛  保定铝型材按叶片的面积计算。
(3) The air duct guide vane is calculated according to the area of the vane.
(4) Air duct accessories (except for flexible joints, which are calculated by square meters), inspection holes, measuring holes, etc. are calculated in units of pieces according to different types and specifications.


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版权 © 天津通风管道优质加工厂 网址:suliaozz.37ix.com.cn  推荐:天津通风管道,天津螺旋风管,消防排烟管道,天津白铁加工

钢纤维 精密铸造 拱形骨架模具 网站建设及优化保定遨游网络公司