The plastic turnover basket can be divided into several types: mesh stackable, mesh stackable, closed stackable. It is suitable for turnover in warehouse, production line and plant area. Stackable type is suitable for stacking, nested type is not suitable for stacking, but space can be saved after use. Mesh type can only stack solid objects, closed type can stack solid objects and liquid objects. It is pressure resistant, durable, impact resistant, nail free, non-toxic and tasteless, easy to wash and disinfect, non rotten, non polluting, economical, environmental friendly, convenient, hygienic, safe, recyclable, etc.
质轻,平滑,使用寿命长,整体性能好,美观大方。随着世界经济的发展和新时代农业产业的发展,周转筐将在经济中起到越来越重要的作用经济(可循环使用) 环保(保护生态环境) 卫生(耐酸碱 防霉变 防潮 防蛀) 安全(无钉刺 无辐射 无毒 无味)便捷 (不需修理 易搬运)。
Light weight, smooth, long service life, good overall performance, beautiful and generous. With the development of the world economy and the development of the agricultural industry in the new era, the turnover basket will play an increasingly important role in the economy (recyclable), environmental protection (protection of the ecological environment), health (acid and alkali resistant, mildew proof, moisture-proof and mothproof), safety (without nails, radiation, non-toxic and tasteless), convenience (without repair and easy handling).