





Linear welds are formed when melted plastics converge in multiple strands in the cavity due to holes in the insert, incoherent flow velocity and interruption of the flow of filling materials. In addition, there will be a weld seam when the gate jet is filled, and the strength of the weld joint is very poor. The main reasons are as follows:
1. processing aspect:
(1) Injection pressure, speed is too low, the barrel temperature, mold temperature is too low, resulting in the melt into the mold premature cooling and weld.
(2) when the injection pressure and speed are too high, there will be spray and weld seam.
(3) speed should be increased and back pressure should be increased to reduce viscosity and increase density.
(4) Plastics should be well dried, recycled materials should be used less, the amount of mold release agent too much or poor quality will also appear weld.
(5) reduce clamping force to facilitate exhaust.
2. mold aspects:
(1) if the gate of the same type is too large, gate or symmetrical setting should be reduced, or as close to the weld seam as possible.
(2) exhaust joints at the weld seam are poor, and exhaust system should be set up.
(3) If the runner is too large and the size of the pouring system is improper, the runner should be set up to avoid melt flowing around the hole of the insert or to use fewer inserts.
(4) the wall thickness is too large or the wall thickness is too thin, so the wall thickness of the parts should be uniform.
(5) if necessary, a fusion well should be opened at the weld seam to separate the weld seam from the workpiece.
3. Plastics:
(1) suitable lubricants and stabilizers should be added to plastics with poor fluidity or heat sensitivity.
(2) plastic contains many impurities, and when necessary, it should be replaced with good quality plastic.


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